Fulton Hall 554
Telephone: 617-552-3831
Email: mark.bradshaw@ndkllx.com
Financial Accounting; Financial Analysts; Financial Reporting; and International Accounting.
“Brokerage House IPOs and Analyst Forecast Quality.” (With Michael Drake, Joseph Pacelli and Brady Twedt.) Management Science, 69 (11): 7079-7094. 2023.
“Analyst Dividend Forecasts and Their Usefulness to Investors: International Evidence.” (With Bilinski, Pawel.) The Accounting Review, 97 (4), 75-104. July, 2022.
“Soft Information in the Financial Press and Analyst Revisions.” (With Brandon Locke, Sue Wang and Dexin Zhou.) The Accounting Review, 96 (5), 107-132. September, 2021.
“The Effects of Analyst-Country Institutions on Biased Research: Evidence from Target Prices.” (With Alan Huang, and Hongping Tan). Journal of Accounting Research, 57 (1), 85-120. March, 2019.
“Agency Costs and Tax Planning when the Government is a Major Shareholder.” (With Guanmin Liao and Mark Ma.) Journal of Accounting & Economics, 67 (2-3), 255-277. April-May, 2019.
“Analysts’ GAAP Earnings Forecasts and their Implications for Accounting Research.” (With Theodore E. Christensen, Kurt H. Gee, and Benjamin C. Whipple.) Journal of Accounting & Economics, 66 (1), 46-66. August, 2018.
“Financial Analysts and Their Contribution to Well-Functioning Capital Markets.” (With Yonca Ertimur, and Patricia O’Brien.) Foundations and Trends in Accounting, 11 (3), 119-191. March, 2018.
“The Interactive Role of Difficulty and Incentives in Explaining the Annual Earnings Forecast Walkdown.” (With Lian Fen Lee and Kyle Peterson.) The Accounting Review, 91 (4), 995-1021. July, 2016
“Do Sell-Side Analysts Exhibit Differential Target Price Forecasting Ability?” (With Larry Brown and Kelly Huang.) Review of Accounting Studies, 18 (4), 930-955. December, 2013.
“A Re-examination of Analysts’ Superiority over Time-Series Forecasts.” (With Michael Drake, James Myers, and Linda Myers.) Review of Accounting Studies, 17 (4), 944-968. December, 2012.
“Analyst Information Processing, Financial Regulation, and Academic Research.” The Accounting Review, 84 (4), 1073-1083. July, 2009.
“Will Harmonizing Accounting Standards Really Harmonize Accounting? Evidence from Non-U.S. Firms Adopting US GAAP.” (With Gregory Miller.) Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, 23 (2), 233-263. April, 2008.
“The Relation Between Corporate Financing Activities, Analysts’ Forecasts and Stock Returns.” (With Scott Richardson and Richard Sloan.) Journal of Accounting and Economics, 42 (1-2), 53-86. October, 2006.
“Accounting Choice, Home Bias, and US Investment in Non-US Firms.” (With Brian Bushee and Gregory Miller.) Journal of Accounting Research, 42 (5), 795-841. December, 2004.
“How Do Analysts Use Their Earnings Forecasts in Generating Stock Recommendations?” The Accounting Review, 79 (1), 25-50. January, 2004.
“GAAP versus The Street: An Empirical Assessment of Two Alternative Definitions of Earnings.” (With Richard Sloan.) Journal of Accounting Research, 40 (1), 41-66. March, 2002.
“The Use of Target Prices to Justify Sell-Side Analysts’ Stock Recommendations.” Accounting Horizons, 16 (1), 27-41. March, 2002.
“Do Analysts and Auditors Use Information in Accruals?” (With Scott Richardson and Richard Sloan.) Journal of Accounting Research, 39 (1), 45-74. June, 2001.
Discussions and Other Articles
“Accounting Standard Setting for Private Companies.” (With Daniel Bens (principal co-author), Carol Ann Frost (principal co-author), Ray Pfeiffer (principal co-author), Marlene Plumlee (principal co-author), Franco Wong (principal co-author), and FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee.) Accounting Horizons, 28 (1). March, 2014.
“A Discussion of ‘Analysts’ Industry Expertise.” Journal of Accounting & Economics, 54 (2-23), 121-131. October-December, 2012.
“A Discussion of ‘Do managers use earnings guidance to influence street earnings exclusions?’” Review of Accounting Studies, 16 (3),528-538. April, 2011.
“The Financial Reporting Policy Committee’s Response to the Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation.” (With Sarah McVay (principal co-author) and FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee.) Accounting Horizons, 24 (2): 249-296. June, 2010.
“Response to the FASB’s Preliminary Views on Financial Instruments with the Characteristics of Equity.” (With Patrick E. Hopkins (principal co-author), Leslie Hodder (principal co-author), and FARS Financial Reporting Policy Committee.) Accounting Horizons, 23 (1), 85-100. March, 2009.
“A Discussion of ‘Letting the Tail Wag the Dog: The Debate over GAAP versus Street Earnings Revisited.’” (With Mark Soliman.) Contemporary Accounting Research, 24 (3), 725-739. 2007.
“Response to the FASB Exposure Draft, ‘Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans: An Amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, 106, and 132(R).’” (With Paquita Davis-Friday (principal co-author), Elizabeth Gordon (principal co-author), and FASC Committee.) Accounting Horizons, 21(2), 201-213. June, 2007.
“Playing Favorites: Financing Opportunities Sway Analysts’ Thinking.” (With Scott A. Richardson and Richard G. Sloan.) Investor Relations Quarterly, 6 (2), 33-48. June, 2004.
“A Discussion of ‘Assessing the Relative Informativeness and Permanence of Pro Forma Earnings and GAAP Operating Earnings.’” Journal of Accounting and Economics, 36 (1-3), 321-336. December, 2003.
“Pro Forma Earnings Fill a Reporting Vacuum.” (With Richard G. Sloan.) Investor Relations Quarterly, 4 (4), 58-70. March, 2002. Reprinted in AFP Exchange, 20-27. July/August 2002.
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective. (With James Wahlen, Stephen Baginski.) South-Western Cengage Learning, 10th Edition 2022; 9th Edition 2017; 8th Edition: 2014; 7th Edition 2009.
Solutions Manual, Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective. (With James Wahlen, Stephen Baginski.) South-Western Cengage Learning, 10th Edition 2022; 9th Edition 2017; 8th Edition: 2014; 7th Edition 2009.
“Accounting and Risk Management” (With Bjorn Jorgensen.) In H. Kent Baker and Greg Filbeck (eds.) Investment Risk Management, Oxford University Press. 2015.
Prior to Boston College, Professor Bradshaw taught at the University of Chicago Booth Business School (2008-2009) and the Harvard Business School (2000-2008).
From 1988 to 1994, Professor Bradshaw was employed as an auditor at Arthur Andersen & Co. in Atlanta, GA. His primary clients included Delta Air Lines, Continental Airlines, The Southern Company, Institute of Nuclear Power Operators, Augusta National Golf Club, and The Masters Tournament.